Full Sail University

Computer Animation Grad Leads Award-Worthy VFX Teams

As a Visual Effects Supervisor, 罗布·普莱斯(Rob Price)在VES奖提名等节目中帮助将梦幻世界带入生活 Sweet Tooth.

电影和电视的工作让你很忙,罗伯·普莱斯的角色也不例外. The Computer Animation 毕业后,他是Zoic工作室的视觉特效总监,在那里他领导了Netflix节目的视觉特效团队 The Haunting of Bly Manor and Midnight Mass. His recent work on Netflix’s Sweet Tooth earned his team a Visual Effects Society Awards nomination. Rob’s high-level animation skills, years of industry experience, 以及解决问题的能力帮助他得到了一个他喜欢的视觉特效角色.

Rob spent a few years after high school figuring out what he wanted to do; he eventually decided to combine his love of art and movies to digitally create art for TV and film. 他报名参加了Full Sail的电脑动画课程,很快就体验到了动画行业的期望.

“有趣的是,《OG官网》的许多艰难转机确实影响到了整个行业,” Rob remembers. “[At work], 在Full Sail,你必须具备的两件事就是弄清楚问题和批判性思维,因为你每个月都要从不同的软件中学到全新的东西, and you just need to make it work. That’s what’s going to happen in the industry, too.”

After graduation, Rob和他的几个Full Sail同学搬到了洛杉矶,做了一些自由职业和入门级的工作. 在进入Zoic studios之前,他曾在几个不同的工作室担任合成师, 他在那里做了八年的视觉效果总监.

大多数视觉效果工作发生在后期制作过程中, but Rob’s work begins in pre-production. 他与项目总监和其他部门负责人会面,确定节目的视觉效果需求,并制定预算. Once filming begins, Rob与CG部门的其他主管和部门负责人保持密切联系, compositing, tracking, layout, character development, asset building, and more. He reviews various dailies for components like lighting, animation, and asset builds for characters, and as the production progresses, 在交付给客户之前,他会检查合成和最后的镜头. 所有跨部门的工作都需要沟通和解决问题.

“对于视觉效果,我发现最重要的一点就是你解决问题的能力,” he says. “总有一些事情需要你弄清楚,并找到最佳解决方案, which is often a group effort… Talking [to other people on the production] is the best way to get the best results; you lean on everybody's opinion. 但解决问题可能是视觉效果工作中最重要的部分, in my opinion.”

这种对沟通的承诺给Rob带来了好处:他在Netflix上的视觉效果团队 Sweet Tooth 最近被提名为第20届年度视觉效果协会奖的最佳视觉辅助效果奖. The nominated episode, “Sorry About All The Dead People,” touched on a number of different visual effects, like character work and environments. 罗布的团队使用了无人机和虚拟制作技术等工具,使这一集脱颖而出.

“我们正在制作前期视觉效果,然后在LED墙上进行拍摄, 这为最后的镜头创造了一个非常好的灵感结合. For Sweet Tooth, we used a lot of environments in Unreal [a video game engine], as well as a combination of filmed elements. 当他们从缆车上下来的时候,我们实际上让一架无人机从山的一边飞下来. Then we put in all the CG gondola towers and cables and everything, 然后我们在片场拍摄,所有的东西都在演员周围玩耍,” Rob explains.

罗布在这些受欢迎的Netflix节目中展示的创造力使他的工作成为一个令人垂涎的角色, but he didn’t get here on his own. On top of the hard work that he put in as an individual, 如果没有一路走来建立的人际关系,罗布不会有今天的成就.

“我成功的很大一部分原因是我和别人一样努力工作,甚至比别人更努力,并因此得到认可. Try not to hold yourself back; put yourself out there and don't be afraid. 很多短期合同的事情都有点可怕,但你要对自己有信心,你在这个项目中建立的联系将引导你进入下一个项目, because that happened a lot for me.”