
满帆 Launches Collegiate 的电子竞技 League

The league assembled its inaugural teams during a two day event at 满帆’s Annual 名人堂 celebration.

满帆 Launches Collegiate 的电子竞技 League - Hero image

满帆 has made the foray into the world of esports with the recent announcement of 满帆 Armada, a collegiate esports league open to all students. The organization will unite existing student clubs focused on competitive gameplay under one single unit, give students the opportunity to compete against other universities in games like 看守, 英雄联盟, 粉碎兄弟 和更多的.

The initiative to bring esports to campus was spearheaded by two staff members – Mobile Gaming course director 霍伊特 Dingus and Career Development advisor Christine Jobin. They have since been joined by 贾斯汀 Connors, a senior video editor in Platinum Creative. 在一起, they hope to engage students across campus and provide a fun, competitive environment for networking among peers.

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“Gaming was hugely important to me when I was growing up, I think it’s a great way to make friends.克里斯汀说。. “Armada is open to any campus student, regardless of degree program. We’re hoping to build connections between gamers of all backgrounds.”

任何人都可以加入满帆无敌舰队. Members can look forward to a variety of extra-curricular activities – from viewing parties to campus-based tournaments. The league will function similar to a student club, with an additional roster of seven individuals representing 满帆 at collegiate-level events. As collegiate team members graduate, the league will act as an incubator for new talent.

“The idea is to ignite pride on campus,” says 霍伊特. “Armada will engage a sense of camaraderie and give students something to root for and rally around. It’s something they can look back on with pride after they graduate.”

满帆 Armada kicked off its inaugural season with two days of tryouts during 满帆’s 9th Annual 名人堂 celebration. 霍伊特, 贾斯汀, Christine worked to transform the 满帆 Live Venue into an arena worthy of a collegiate team.

“The idea was to create 360 degrees of immersion. Our challenge was to establish a clear vibe on a large scale to set the tone and template for future 满帆 Armada events, 我认为我们做到了. We looked to international brands like Blizzard in our re搜索, we brought that level of professional style to the venue,贾斯汀说.

选手们参加了 看守, 火箭联盟, 粉碎兄弟, 龙珠战士z. As students from all over campus battled it out, volunteer student shoutcasters from across many degree programs provided game analysis on 满帆 Armada’s official Twitch stream. Audience members received complementary thundersticks at the door, which they used to cheer on their favorite players and teams.

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Game Development grad Ari Patrick was on hand for the event. A producer at Epic 游戏, Ari led an exclusive 《og体育》大逃杀 挑战结束活动. He said he was impressed at the level of detail that went into the event.

“I play a lot of these games and I do not have half the talent these student have displayed,他说. “It’s really cool to see, especially in games like 火箭联盟 哪里更以团队为基础. You have all these people who are cooperating to achieve the overall goal. 这是难以置信的.”

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