Full Sail University

毕业生Hector Negron的故事之旅跨越排球,品牌故事和纪录片

The Sports Marketing & 媒体和电影制作艺术硕士毕业生已经把他的双学位很好地运用到广泛的激情项目中.

毕业生Hector Negron的故事之旅跨越排球,品牌故事和纪录片 - Hero image

Hector Negron has been telling stories for a long time. During his time in the National Guard in Puerto Rico, 他撰写了与海军和海军陆战队进行的大型军事排球比赛的总结. He later founded The SpikeNet,排球内容和现场事件报道的数字目的地. 今天,他正在拍摄一部关于波多黎各的纪录片,名叫 On The Same Page,并讲述Unicorp National Developments, Inc .背后的品牌故事. as the company's Marketing Director. 这是一次要解决的很多问题,但赫克托已经做好了准备,感谢他的学士学位 Sports Marketing & Media and Film Production MFA from Full Sail.

在陆军国民警卫队当了13年的补给军士之后, 赫克托踝关节严重受伤,不得不继续前进. 他决定回到学校,和Full Sail的体育营销 & Media bachelor's degree was a perfect fit. 赫克托可以利用他在军队里写过的体育文章,磨练他的营销技巧,以平民身份重新开始. 作为额外的奖励,他可以为女儿努力工作,激励她追求更高的教育.

“有了(我的女儿)是我重返学校的原因之一,”他说. “我不能让我的女儿和一个没有受过大学教育的父亲一起上学,完成大学学业. Having her through my journey has been important."

Hector在体育营销部门工作时,就开始致力于他的数字“宝贝”The SpikeNet & Media program. 他的导师大卫·萨菲尔斯坦布置了一份商业计划作为家庭作业, and Hector submitted an idea for a volleyball league. 排球在美国被认为是夏季和奥运会的比赛项目, 但在波多黎各,它更像是足球或篮球. His instructor liked the idea, but the concept wasn't quite fully ready yet, so Hector kept the project in the back of his mind.

最后,他意识到没有新闻媒体在严肃地报道排球. 赫克托发现了一个尚未开发的市场,并准备着手开发. He started a YouTube channel dedicated to volleyball, 然后给美国排球佛罗里达地区的主席发了一封电子邮件,让该组织知道了这件事.

"I wrote an email thinking, they will ignore it, and they wrote back the next day like, 'Hey, we would like to talk to you,'" he says.

赫克托尔在一周后安排了一次会面,并在接下来的七天里前往迈阿密, Gainesville, and Tampa to interview players and coaches. 他创建了一个标志、一个带有视频的网站和社交媒体账户. 他的努力得到了回报,赫克托与该组织建立了长期的合作关系.

"We cover two or three events a month with them, 我们和高绩效的团队一起旅行," he says.

这种关系让SpikeNet出现在了国际排球名人堂面前, and now Hector enjoys a partnership with them as well. "We interview Hall of Famers. 我们对赛事进行了回顾,制作了入会录像……我们采访了奥运选手. There's no other media outlet out there, just us."

While the SpikeNet is Hector's passion project, 他也热爱自己作为优尼科营销总监的日常工作. 他在全速航行中获得的信心帮助他登上了这个位置.

“在我毕业前一个月,他们发布了一份工作,基本上他们需要一个营销代理. They were looking for somebody with Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign experience who also edits and writes. I was like, 'They need a marketing agency. They can't get this in a person.' But then I was thinking, wait a minute. I can do this. I know how to do this. I reached out to them and I got the job in a week.'"

Hector在Unicorp的职责包括每周两到三天的拍摄和拍摄Unicorp的公共关系项目, news, and social media channels. He also designs flyers, updates the company's website, and schedules social media content and email blasts. 不管他在做什么,赫克托都专注于讲述独角兽的故事.

"They [make] buildings, but there's meaning behind it. They created the Orlando Eye. Those are places that you can meet your loved one, your boss, your daughter's mom… It's not a structure. 对我来说,就是找到讲述这个故事的方法,”他说.

在维护SpikeNet和为Unicorp讲述品牌故事之间, 赫克托也一直在花时间制作一部纪录片. 他在Full Sail获得电影制作硕士学位时开始拍摄《OG官网》. 该项目的学生可以选择做一个独立项目, 赫克托获准去波多黎各拍摄一部关于他家乡政治的纪录片.

In one week, he filmed interviews with José Aponte Hernández, a former San Juan mayoral candidate, and Senator Manuel Natal Albelo. 他还拜访了国家排球队的主教练. 冠状病毒大流行暂停了赫克托的拍摄计划, 但他已经准备好把他的作品提交给电影节了.

赫克托耳之所以成为今天忙碌的创造者,是因为他一直沉浸在全速前进的时刻, and he thinks current students should do the same.

"If you're focusing on 'I want to get an ad for Nike,你不知道什么时候会有这样的机会, so just work on the one that you have right now, and the path will take care of it."