
平面设计 Grad is an Associate Creative Director at Salesforce

Adam Cipoletti is excelling in the presentation design industry as the company’s Associate Creative Director of Keynote Creative.

Adam Cipoletti站在那里,手臂环绕着Astro Nomical, Salesforce的吉祥物之一, 在Dreamforce会议上.

平面设计 grad Adam Cipoletti makes a mean Keynote presentation would be an understatement. Adam is the Associate Creative Director of Keynote Creative at Salesforce, 以及2022梦想部队, 世界上最大的科技会议之一, Adam demonstrated the dynamic possibilities of presentation design with a little help from 精灵兔.

“[At Dreamforce], I had the opportunity to support our introduction of 精灵兔一个可爱的新添加到我们的Salesforce角色. Genie represents our Salesforce Data Cloud and its ability to harmonize thousands of customer data points into one unified profile,亚当说. “与多个团队和机构合作, we were able to animate Genie flying around the room from screen to screen. We even used a video overlay to get Genie to pop up onto the stage next to one of our co-CEOs. 这是一个很酷的时刻.”

Adam’s road to success in the niche industry of presentation design started when he got a job at Apple in his early 20s. 亚当专注于训练, 设计自己的抵押品, and eventually designing presentations for Apple’s senior leaders. He started freelancing around the same time and worked with New York agencies like 媒体com, Omnicom, 国际品牌集团, 和麦肯. But after 15 years in the design industry, Adam’s career hit a roadblock. He realized that he needed a bachelor’s degree if he wanted to manage teams and lead storytelling at larger companies, 满帆的平面设计课程是一个明确的选择.

“我知道有(更有效的)做事方式, so I wanted to finally get my degree… I needed something that was online [and 满帆] just had a very structured curriculum that made that sense to me... 而(平面设计学位)是一个很好的复习, 但也让我重新变得更有效率, because I learned new tools that I wouldn't have understood or looked for if I hadn't gone back to school. Which really was my goal, was make sure that I was up to date, I was competitive,他说.

Adam’s new skills started paying off while he was still earning his degree. He landed a role as the Lead 设计er with a focus on presentation design at a small digital agency, 六个月后被提升为创意总监. 他曾与吉利德(Gilead)等公司的高管共事, 好时, 和Mondelez, 设计他们的市政厅演讲和投资者平台. Adam applied to be the Associate Creative Director of Keynote Creative at Salesforce and got the job right before he graduated.

“(在Salesforce), I lead the teams and agencies responsible for our many events, 像Dreamforce, TrailheadDX, 亚当解释道. “I partner with the incredibly talented messenger team to take their talk track and translate it into easy-to-follow visual content. I want to make sure that all the key points are on a slide to empower our executive speakers and inform our global audience.”

关于 90 percent of Adam’s time is devoted to creating presentations for Salesforce’s large events, 像Dreamforce. He makes his work stand out by calling on skills he tackled at 满帆, 比如格式塔设计原则, 网格系统的使用, 和排版.

“My favorite part of my job is brainstorming new ideas and trying to push the brand into new places. I’m privileged that I get to work with world-class marketers and communicators across the world as we continue to elevate the Salesforce story and brand,他说.

Presentation design might not be the first career that comes to mind when people think of graphic design work, but Adam knows that the industry is worth a look for budding designers.

“[If someone wants to get involved in presentation design] I would recommend learning PowerPoint, 学习的主题, 学习谷歌幻灯片, 因为人们总是需要推销自己的想法, 在任何公司,演讲总是有一席之地的. It’s a niche design role that I think doesn't get highlighted enough, and it pays well too. So it's all about knowing those programs and being able to tell a story with them, and I think that would just open up a lot of opportunities for people.”