
凯蒂·赖特 is Starting Off Her 电影 Career on the Right Foot

The 媒体通信 grad is using her 满帆 education to rack up professional film editing experiences and industry accolades.

凯蒂·赖特 is Starting Off Her 电影 Career on the Right Foot - Hero image

凯蒂·赖特's film editing career is just beginning, but her days are already jam-packed. In just two years after graduating from 满帆, she's participated in the prestigious 美国电影编辑实习计划, 剪辑了一部获奖的科幻短片, 在多个项目中担任助理编辑, 并合作了一些原创短片 参与项目的2020年研究员. 由于技术原因,她每天可以轻松地工作12个小时, 有创意的, 以及她在满帆中学到的合作技能 媒体传播计划.

Katy developed her interest in film early in life: "I've always just been interested in film ever since I was a kid; there was no other option as a career,她说. 莫德斯托的, California native started editing short films in high school and worked on some documentaries in Northern California. 她想通过获得学士学位来提高自己的技能, and after running into multiple satisfied 满帆 grads she signed up for the 媒体传播计划. 该学位的重点是营销技巧, 比如平面设计和网页设计, 使它非常适合凯蒂的自由职业目标.

The small class sizes in her 满帆 degree program helped Katy develop meaningful relationships with her course directors. "They were all so invested in me, and invested in what I was doing,她说.

Instructor Nate Moxley allowed her to study Avid 媒体 Composer (an industry standard film and video editing software) in 满帆's labs so she could get certified before she graduated. Course director René Otero helped Katy land an internship with REBL HQ, a digital entertainment studio that was previously located on 满帆's campus. 作为实习的一部分, Katy wound up working as a Digital Image Technician and Assistant Editor on 猎狐道, a thriller that's currently making rounds on the national and international film festival circuits.

毕业后,凯蒂搬到了洛杉矶.A. 然后一飞冲天. She was selected for the competitive 美国电影编辑实习计划, where she learned about the role of assistant editors from Hollywood pros. Then she started working as an assistant editor on projects for digital media company 经办人: 剪辑影片 伊娃, a science fiction short that was included in the Los Angeles 电影 Festival and won 电影Freeway's Sci-Fi Award. 她也是2020年参与项目研究员, 艺术家发展计划, and she's part of the post-production team for the upcoming thriller 恶性.

Katy tries to split her time between assistant editing jobs on other people's films and editing positions on her own projects.

“助理编辑是一个技术性很强的职位,”她说. "I'm in charge of preparing my dailies for my editors… I also handle other post-production duties, 比如文书工作和剧本. 如果我们处于周转阶段, 我要把东西寄给我们的调色师, 或者我们的混音器, 或者送出射门来对他们施加影响."

凯蒂的助理编辑工作能养家糊口, but her editing side jobs and internships flex her 有创意的 muscles.

“我下班的时候也会做这些项目. Sometimes the days can be very long because we do a 12-hour day and then go home and edit it more. But that's what you do if you want to make it far in this industry. 你必须全身心投入,”她笑着说.

Right now, Katy's editing from home during the pandemic, working on 恶性, and contributing to three shorts with filmmakers that she met through Project Involve. But she isn't letting her current busy schedule stop her from strategizing her next steps — she's looking for assistant editing gigs on smaller TV shows and forging strong relationships with directors so she can be more 有创意的ly involved with future projects.

"Good editing is, you do what the director wants, you carry their vision out. But great editing is when you see things that the director doesn't see," Katy explains. "You see problems and then solutions to those problems that maybe your director hasn't thought of, and you add your own creativity to the edit… I feel like I'm going to be working on more smaller budget stuff, just so that I can have more of an input into what I'm doing."