满帆 University

‘复仇者’ Opening Tonight: 56 Grads Credited

We’re proud to see that a total of 56 满帆 graduates worked in different roles throughout its development, from production assistants to visual effects artists.

‘复仇者’ Opening Tonight: 56 Grads Credited - Hero image

惊奇漫画的 复仇者 will officially kick off this year’s summer movie season when it premieres in U.S. theaters tonight at midnight. Bringing this super hero epic to screens has been a colossal undertaking, we’re proud to see that a total of 56 满帆 graduates worked in different roles throughout its development, from production assistants to visual effects artists.

It’s a record number for a single project, many of these alumni also contributed to Marvel’s previous comic book adaptations that provided the back story for 复仇者,包括 钢铁侠2托尔Captain America: The First Avenger.

Considering the buildup for this union of classic characters, saying the film is highly anticipated is putting it mildly, we’re looking forward to settling in our seats with fans at tonight’s midnight launch and watching the combined efforts of our grads who helped produce 复仇者.

The 56 满帆 alumni who contributed to the film are:

  • Nada Abdou (电脑动画; stereo compositor)
  • 保罗一. Baccam (电脑动画; stereoscopic artist)
  • 马特·鲍尔 (电脑动画; previsualization artist)
  • 史蒂文·本杰明 (电脑动画; roto/paint artist)
  • 马克西姆Besner (电脑动画; stereoscopic artist)
  • 克里斯托弗·E. 棕色(的) (电脑动画; digital effects artist)
  • 汤姆·伯内特 (电影; electrician)
  • 莫里斯·考克斯 (电脑动画; stereo compositing artist)
  • 德温费尔贝恩 (电脑动画; layout)
  • 艾米丽Francione (电脑动画; stereoscopic roto lead)
  • 马修E. 吉尔 (电脑动画; roto artist)
  • 克拉克古德温 (电脑动画; stereoscopic lead)
  • 科迪格雷厄姆 (电脑动画; stereoscopic artist)
  • 安东尼•格兰特 (电脑动画; model/texture artist)
  • 哈登·哈蒙德 (电脑动画; sequence supervisor)
  • 安德鲁·海恩斯 (电影; office production assistant)
  • 布伦特亨萨林 (Digital 媒体; senior systems administrator)
  • 约书亚D. 霍尔顿 (电脑动画; stereoscopic depth artist)
  • 安德鲁·黄 (电脑动画; previsualization asset supervisor)
  • 贾斯汀•约翰逊 (电脑动画; digital effects supervisor)
  • 布莱恩·P. 琼斯 (电影, assistant camera; visual effects unit)
  • 费利克斯豪尔赫 (电脑动画; previsualization artist)
  • Kolby梳 (电脑动画; stereoscopic artist)
  • 特雷福J. 劳伦斯 (电脑动画; stereoscopic artist)
  • 芽还乐 (电脑动画; track/matchmove artist)
  • 儿子陆 (电脑动画; stereoscopic lead)
  • 吉莉安卢迈 (电影; location assistant)
  • 罗伊·文森特·曼 (电脑动画; lead stereoscopic compositor)
  • Raymond Martinez III (电脑动画; rotoscope artist)
  • 肖恩·W. 马修斯 (电影; office production assistant)
  • 肖恩·麦克莱伦 (电影; electrician)
  • Shantel麦地那 (电脑动画; stereo compositor)
  • 罗尼米拿现 (电脑动画; lead fx technical director)
  • 罗伯特·梅罗三世 (电脑动画; rotoscope artist)
  • Lyndsey Pendley (电脑动画; stereoscopic paint artist)
  • 贾斯汀雷 (电脑动画; visual effects artist)
  • 帕特里克·雷德蒙 (电影; edge head technician)
  • Katherine Rodtsbrooks (电脑动画; lead stereoscopic compositor)
  • 杰森·埃达 (电影; production assistant, visual effects unit)
  • Eric Savino (电脑动画; depth artist)
  • Eric Sibley (电脑动画; visual effects)
  • 乔伊尸罗 (电脑动画; digital compositor)
  • Christopher “Safari” Sosebee (电脑动画; asset artist)
  • 约书亚斯特林 (电脑动画; roto artist)
  • Frederick George Stuhrberg (Digital 媒体; 3D scanning)
  • John Michael Temple Jr. (电脑动画; depth artist)
  • 埃里克·蒂姆 (电影; stereo compositor)
  • 罗伯特·托宾 (Digital 媒体; stereo conversion artist)
  • 瑞安Trippensee (电脑动画; digital compositor)
  • 约翰Trotter (电脑动画; stereoscopic compositor)
  • 奥兰多米. 巴斯克斯 (电影; production assistant)
  • 将华莱士 (数字艺术 & 设计; dynamic effects animation)
  • 周杰伦威尔逊 (电脑动画; stereoscopic compositor)
  • 马克·赖特 (电影; visual effects editor)
  • 马文Yanez (电脑动画; stereoscopic roto lead)
  • 安德鲁•辛克 (电脑动画; lighter)