
This Grad Hacks Classroom 技术 to Help 学生 and Teachers Connect

硕士 grad Joe Marquez creates meaningful classroom experiences by finding new ways to use existing technology.

This Grad Hacks Classroom 技术 to Help 学生 and Teachers Connect - Hero image

Education strategist Joe Marquez will shave his head for his students. The former eighth grade science teacher committed to the bit when he created an innovative video for a class at 满帆大学. 这段视频需要对乔的学生产生影响, so he went with an Army theme and shaved his head as the camera was rolling. The experience earned Joe a coveted 满帆 Course Director's Award, and it kicked off his career of thinking outside the box when it comes to technology in the classroom.

Joe's interest in classroom technology sprouted when he was 搜索ing for a way to get his wily eighth grade science students to pay attention in class. 在尝试自己实现这项技术之后, he realized that he needed more education himself to sharpen his skill set. 他决定报名参加满帆的教育媒体设计 & 技术硕士项目(现称 教学设计 & 技术).

He was immediately struck by 满帆's emphasis on using technology to collaborate and to inspire students. The degree's online format forced Joe and his fellow classmates to digitally communicate at a higher level to complete group projects. 满帆 also encouraged Joe to pursue what he's currently known for, 哪一个是“入侵”不同的工具.

"Not hacking as in breaking into code and doing that kind of stuff but using tools in a different way… maybe the designers didn't mean for them to be used that way, but they meet the needs of my students in the way that I use them,他说.

Joe分享了他的黑客技巧 科技之子, a 混乱之子他创立了一个受美国启发的组织. It encourages other educators to collaborate and find new ways to use current classroom devices. 乔分享了小组的新技巧 YouTube频道, where he also posts solutions to problems that their 推特 followers have asked about. 他还把教育工作者带到他的 双周刊播客, where he encourages innovation and rule breaking with classroom technology.

为了他的日常工作, 乔是CDW-G的教育战略家, the country's largest seller of technology devices to school districts. He adds a human element by personally consulting with the districts to make sure they can use what they've purchased in a relevant, 有效的方法. 他的工作现在尤为重要, as teachers and students are adjusting to 远程学习 in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

"I help them find ways to solve problems they were not prepared to solve at this juncture. 想办法制定有意义的课程计划, 有意义的活动, meaningful experiences for the students when face-to-face is not possible,他说.

在过去的几个月, Joe has already hacked some distance-learning tools to create a deeper connection between students and teachers. Virtual whiteboards are helping math and science teachers show their work to students, but instructors couldn't see their students' faces when they used the whiteboards.

“我们在Flipgrid中发现了这一点, 他们允许你上传图片,我们想, 好吧, 如果我们上传一张全白的图片呢, 这是一块白板, 有一个窗口,你可以看到学生的脸? And so we call that the Flipgrid PIP [picture-in-picture] whiteboard. So you still get a whiteboard, but you get to see your students' faces," Joe says.

Joe is also looking beyond schools' immediate distance-learning needs by participating in education initiatives like the 远程教育领袖峰会. He's working with CDW-G and the Santa Cruz County Office of Education to create a three-day experience designed to give busy school district administrators an opportunity to see what's happening in the classroom with educational technology across the US.

"We created this… to hear amazing stories from districts across the United States and California of what real, 课堂上积极的混合式学习可能是这样的, 无论是面对面, 远程学习, 或者两者兼而有之,他说.

Current and future 教学设计 students have a unique opportunity to harness educational technology and see how it can benefit students who need to learn remotely during the coronavirus crisis and beyond. Joe advises these students to go above and beyond by embracing the spirit of innovation.

"It's always the person who steps out of line and make[s] something different. 那些人才是被铭记的人. 这些是被铭记的老师. And those are the educational technologists who are going to be remembered."