凯利穿着一件蓝色衬衫坐在蓝色背景前. She has blue eyes and is smiling.

Students & Faculty

教员焦点:Kelly Wergin(游戏美术系主任)
Dr. 卡斯滕斯穿着一件蓝衬衫,戴着一副眼镜,站在一堵白墙前. He is smiling.

Students & Faculty

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. James Carstens (Course Director, New Media Journalism)

Students & Faculty

兰迪坐在一面墙前,墙上摆满了老式相机. He is wearing a light brown sweater.

Students & Faculty

Amy Williams sits in her home design studio. The walls are covered in framed artwork. She is wearing glasses and smiling.

Students & Faculty

教师焦点:艾米·威廉姆斯(实验室专家,图形原理1 & II – Graphic Design)
Instructor Milena Jackson, a woman with shoulder-length dark hair, 坐在她的办公桌前,穿着Full Sail大学的图案t恤.

Students & Faculty

教师简介:米莱娜·杰克逊(互动媒体设计) & Usability, Graphic Design)
贾斯汀·霍西站在镶板木背景前. He is wearing a dark denim shirt and gently smiling.

Students & Faculty

Course Director Loves Data, Teaching, and Learning

Students & Faculty

教师简介:Libby Perry(网络编辑,网页设计-媒体传播学士学位)
瑞安·芬克戴着一副白框眼镜,穿着一件绿色t恤. He is standing in front of a wall covered in skateboards.

Students & Faculty

教师焦点:Ryan Funk(生产基础I, Location Lighting – Digital Cinematography Bachelor’s)

Students & Faculty

教员简介:Becca Godsey (Portfolio I, Game Business & Esports)
马特穿着一件蓝色格子衬衫坐在黑色背景前. He is smiling.

Students & Faculty

教师焦点:Matt Hindla(媒体整合课程主任)
杰西卡坐在她的几幅彩色画作前. She is wearing a black t-shirt and is smiling.

Students & Faculty
